Bad Thoughts

 Okay, I admit it – I’d sell out a friend just to get rid of my fat ass. Shallow, huh? Still, the fantasy of wearing a size 8 again makes a woman do desperate things. What’s your bad, evil wish? Hmmm? 😉 I know you got one. Eveybody has at least one. Right?


11 thoughts on “Bad Thoughts

  1. I thought the pic was going to say – “If you can’t make me thin, make me small and hairy.”
    I guess that means you’d be a size 1.
    You have to fit into the litter box, right? Oy.

    LOL – do you always drink this early in the morning? I totally did not follow that train of thought. Of course it could be me missing brain cells again too. Hard to say. 😉

    When I first saw the pic I thought it said make my friends fart which is pretty funny too. 😆



  2. my evil wish is that anyone that looks at my ex Brian sees him looking like someone really ugly. that fucker has always been so vain, it would be nice to see someone cringe at the very sight of him. bastard.
    i don’t have any hard feelings though… LOL

    I agree, sometimes it would be very gratifying if others could see what people look like on the inside (so to speak) instead of their lovely wrapper. It might be very interesting to see if a change happened with that person if they had to suffer their own arrogance on the receiving end, eh?


  3. Well, it’s hard to pick just one, but my evil wish would be to set things on fire with my mind. The possibilites are endless.

    I could give joebec’s ex horrible burn wounds, for one thing…

    Hmmm I see that co-evil thoughts are starting to catch on here. Interesting. Wasn’t there a Stephen King book where the little girl could start stuff on fire with her mind? That might be fun – but you’d probably have to start wearing asbestos clothing. A bit hot for California weather methinks.


  4. Mean,hateful,ugly,evil wish?????? Well it would involve an EX-husband!! Wait you say…you’re not divorced?!?!….EXACTLY.

    Oh you’re sooooo baaaaaaaaaddddd. But that’s why I love ya. 😉


  5. Hm. Aside of my plot to take over and rule the universe– that is universe, not world– I will have to read my notes and let you know.

    Yes, please do let me know. Maybe we could do a co-evil-plot. muwhahahahahahaha! 😉


  6. I like the ‘make all my friends fart’ thought. Spontaneous, loud and often would be perfect. 😉

    You’re sick, sick I tell you! LOL – we really do have very similar twisted minds, don’t we? Love ya, girlfriend. 😉


  7. Yeah but, “Fat bottom girls, they make the rockin’ world go ’round.”

    Hmmm . . .bad evil wish . . .that I could Astral Travel and have Out of Body adventures.

    Not evil enough? I didn’t say where I’d go. Muwah ha ha hack cough sputter.


    Aha! I knew it! Most folks you see you as this mild-mannered teacher dude, but I knew there was a streak of Lex Luther in you. 😆 So…where would you go? Or am I not old enough to know?


  8. I only have to give one. It is hard to choose only one. I’ll be back.

    Ah…vintage Ahnold…I like it. If only he’d decided to stay in show business. Have I mentioned what a hideous governor he is?


  9. This lot are sounding like ‘First Wives Club’!

    I’m too perfect and Christian for such trivial wishes (do you see the sun, it’s shining out my booty right now!) 😉

    Why yes, I think I actually can see rays of sunshine shooting right outta yer arse, Evan me boy. Nice. How do you do that? 😉


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