Multiple Blog Personality Syndrome?

I was just chatting with my friend J and she mentioned to me that she has several blogs she’s working on. Which I found interesting. It seems she’s looking for her true blogger voice and honestly, I can relate to that. I have four blogs myself and am constantly wondering if I should start another one. Yeah, crazy, huh?

But here’s the thing – I don’t just have one passion – I have lots of them. And also I’m the kind of person who can get bored easily. I actually envy those bloggers out there who just have the one passion and can write about it endlessly without breaking a sweat. That they can burrow into every nook and cranny of it and get in there deep. All the big blogger dudes and dudettes advise this – pick a niche, pick the one thing you are most passionate about, get a following, gain an audience, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, it’s good advice but not always the right advice I don’t think.

Some days I want to write nothing but political/social commentary – I’ve got a bee up my ass and it’s buzzing it’s brains out and I’ll explode if I don’t rant for a good long time about it. The next day I may have a case of the giggles and I’ll spend hours looking for funny shit like this (and you really have to click on this – seriously, it will make you laugh). The next day I might feel reflective about the meaning of life or my life or somebody’s life and want to write about that. So, why can’t I? Why can’t one blog cover all the many facets of me or any blogger for that matter?

I know that I and my friend J, are not the only ones afflicted with MBPS because several of my blogger buddies have multiple blogs and continue to start new ones. Maybe they have multi-faceted lives too. True, if they’d just done a blog about hot dogs they might be getting a book deal like that stupid-ass cat site or that other stupid ass white people blog or any number of the stupid ass, one-note popular blogs – they’d be raking in the dough too. Though how that translates into that, I’m really not sure but apparently it does because all the experts say so. And God forbid we should disagree with the experts.

I mean, we’re people for cripes sakes – not wordpress themes – why must we have a theme or a niche or a thang? Why can’t we change our colors, our words, our observations on a whim. Aren’t the best actors, singers, dancers, writers the ones who constantly challenge themselves and reinvent themselves to stretch into new horizons? Bloggers should have the same freedom –

So, I now proudly wear my Multiple Blogger Personality Syndrome badge proudly. If it’s good enough for Forest Gump’s mama then I guess it’s good enough for me. Blogs are like a box of chocolates, you just never know what you’re gonna get.

Anybody else out there with the syndrome? Hey, anybody wanna make a banner for me? Huh, huh, huh? Puleeze? Purty Puleeze! ๐Ÿ™‚

18 thoughts on “Multiple Blog Personality Syndrome?

  1. True. I am sitting on a doozy of a “downer” of a post. I felt it, I FEEL it, I wrote it, and yet – it just doesn’t really “fit” in at my blog as I tend more to put a funny spin on things and this is very serious. And, no I don’t want to start another blog, because what will that one be then? “The Depressing Blog” where I only post things that make me sad? Or life altering events that molded me into the person I am now? I am a mix of all things; mostly happy… So, I’m going to post that. It’s my blog and I can be serious if I want. It’s my blog and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to, CRY IF I WANT TO….

    That’s right, you can, Bella. I wonder if we all just get too wrapped up in our blogger images, so to speak, rather than writing what’s there. It’s something to think about.


  2. how funny. I talked about my multiple blogs today, too. huh. you have FOUR!? I can barely keep emotionally not-drowned in two. well, three. OK.

    Hehe – I’m starting to wonder if any of us only have one blog. Yup, four and I’m thinking about starting another one. Weird, huh?


  3. I can barely keep up with my one blog and don’t know how anyone manages more than one. But I guess there are different types.

    You know Teens, you may be the only blogger I know who has only one blog – on the other hand, you are more involved with more blogging groups than anyone I know too. Face it, we’re addicted. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  4. Hi WC,

    As you know, I just started another blog and, as you might not know, I’m thinking about opening three or four others. I opened the latest one because it requires a different personality as the host, just as you mention. I’ve got a few more ideas that sound like they’d keep my interest, but that wouldn’t merge well with Brit & Grit. I look at it as having different hobbies that don’t go together, like kayaking and skeet shooting.

    While I’m at it, what are your other blogs? What are you hiding??????

    If you’re serious about the banner, I’ll give it a shot.

    the Grit

    Hi Grit,
    Yes, I know you have the other – but have you started the additional ones you are thinking of and btw, I need the link for the new one so I can blogroll it. I am totally serious about the banner – I would love a Multiple Blog Personality Syndrome banner and would display it proudly on my sidebar.

    I’ll email you about the other.


  5. I have my main blog. dp4soul will always be the main thang in my blogging world. But I also have a sexual blog .. and a poetry blog .. and a few others that I write. I have several because not everyone wants to read about my sexual fantasies and tendencies and and and . . yeah. And not everyone likes poetry, and frankly, I’d rather that be in it’s own little world anyhow.
    I see no problemo whatsoever to have several. And yes, I would definitely rock a MBPS badge. Umm, Bella is quite good at those *hint hint!*

    Yup – I know you’re more bloggerized than I am – for sure. Oooh, maybe Bella will do one for us. We could all be in a club or something. LOL.


  6. Oh I definitely have MBPDS. I’m all over the place…theme? What theme….LOL!

    I am in theme hell right now, myself. This one is giving me such a hard time I could pull my hair out. and yeah, you do have MBPS – for sure. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  7. Well, if you’ve read my “About,” you know I rolled several blogs into one — but I’ve never stopped wondering if that was the right thing to do. Plus I’m always itching to try a new look or mood, or name. If that’s MBPS, then I’ve got it bad! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    Oh 30, I’m ashamed to say I haven’t read your about page (but I will). With the free blogs from wordpress you can start as many blogs as you want – why not try it out – have a secret blog and see if we can find you. Hehehe – ooh, that sounds like fun. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  8. yup … i hear you loud and clear… and don’t even want to talk about how many blogs have had running at the same time only to meld them and then itch to start another, sigh … i only have three going right now so am feeling pretty whole, lol

    Oh my gosh, I could be talking to you as someone else and not even know it, eh? Now that’s a funny idea. Only three – light weight. J/K. ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. Hmmm. Wonder which blog I linked to here? It’s not the one where I post about poo on a regular basis. That’s for my, uh, more nurturing readers.

    So thrilled about the post on MBPS. If Bella is going to design a button (Go Bella!!!), then I’ll so be putting it in the sidebar of one of my blogs. I’m cutting down, and I’m pretty sure that one is turning into the front runner. After all, Forays took me so far, but I’m ready for more. My true bloggy self, if you will.

    Hmmm…now which blog could it be? I wonder…Oh yeah, Bella said she would and so did Grit, maybe we’ll have mulitple badges for our mulitple blogs???? Cool, eh? And btw, if you find your true bloggy self, let me in on the secret, will you? ๐Ÿ˜‰


  10. Ha! Ha! I will work on one. (a badge).. Ha! I don’t think there is anything wrong with it; I say have 10 blogs if ya like – I just am so frazzled with one…. Also, how do you keep up with all the comments? We are all different, is all. It’s awesome that we are too, it makes blog’n so interesting…. *HEART* you!

    Oooh, I heart you too, honey – send me the badge, oh yeah, I want a badge, we all need the badge, make it purty, otay? Oh yeah, badges…that’s the ticket. ๐Ÿ˜†


  11. I have so many interests that I began with lots of blogs, none of which got anywhere. So I cut down to three, of which only one took off. I haven’t posted on two of them for an age. Everything is on the one blog now, and it ranges far and wide.
    The experts are wrong. What yo have to do is find a voice, a style, and then you can write about what you want.

    Yes, Tony – you do have many interests and you may be right – it is finding your own style and going for it.


  12. I only have the one blog. I didn’t realize until recently that some people have more than one. I can barely keep up with one. My family would have me put away if I spent anymore time blogging. I think that’s why I called mine “Whatever I Think” because thats’ what I literally do is just write stuff as I think it. Fortunately the deep depression I was in a year ago is gone or my readers would leave my blog more depressed than I was. I’m definitely not bi-polar because I am in the same mood all the time which is generally good. I have my family to thank for that. They just let me do what I want as long as I feed them. I suppose I could have a weight watchers blog and a cripple blog and a recipe blog but I know I would get all confused and you’d be reading recipes on the cripple blog and wondering why. I like to keep things simple so I don’t get brain pain.

    Gee Joan, I sure wish we were neighbors – I would be laughing myself silly all the times. Don’t feel bad though, I often post recipes on my poetry site. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  13. My main blog is all over the place- a veritable cornucopia of fiction, poetry, personal turmoil and general ridiculousness. i, like you, envy those who can maintain a blog on a specific subject.

    i do have my other blog devoted to flash fiction.
    i’ve considered one in answer to the gooey sweet mommy blogs out there, a poetry blog, a blog about the town i live in…

    Of course, i haven’t posted on my secondary blog for quite a while so starting any other projects may be unwise.

    Yes, but it is oh so tempting isn’t it? My buddy Moe gave me a little tip which I might try. If it works, I’ll share it with you. It could end up being the best of both worlds. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  14. I have twelve total, I belong to a few social networking websites and I write for a few Apple/Mac blogs. Yes, I’m definitely addicted to writing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m gobsmacked, how do you find time to sleep? Yikes!


  15. I have 2 blogs myself, and 3 myspace pages. I’m totally overwhelmed … But yet, I still think about having another blog.

    Hi GFTG & welcome. Come on in and pour yourself a cup of Joe and help yourself to a sweet roll or some coffee cake.

    I’d have to say you got it (MPBS) and you got it bad. Check out the badges available for the affliction on today’s post.


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