10 thoughts on “Tasteless Toons for Sunday

  1. Oh, I soooo love that toilet! I’m going out to buy one.

    I’ve flicked a booger before, but it never killed a bird. Hummm. Maybe I’m doin’ it wrong.

    Hmmm, well seeing’s as how these are just cartoons, I’m not sure how you can buy that toilet but heck, maybe it’s out there somewhere. Yeah I suspect it takes quite the aim to actually kill a bird, eh?


  2. Hehe!!

    To funny.

    Love the ghoast one. Thanks for the smiles. Hope you had a nice Sunday and you week is filled with goodies and suprises


    Hey Di,
    Yup, you gotta love those smiles. Yes my Sunday did hold some surprises – indeed – it’s all good.



  3. You’re a sick pup…
    There’s hope for you, yet! LOL!

    PS. Loved “Is Brown the New Green.” I’d love to echo it, on my “Eco-blog.” Brilliant stuff.


    I am RR, it’s so true. And we’ve only just met, how perceptive of you. Hey man if you loved ‘is brown the new green’ feel free to link me in your post, I’d be honored. I’ll be by to check your place out soon.



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