10 thoughts on “Thought for the Day

  1. I needed this today. Laughed like a twelve year old boy….sheesh. Love juvenile humor.

    J´s last blog post..rat bastards

    Hey J!
    This had special meaning as Zelda sent it to me after I told her a hilarious real life fart story. I laughed like a college girl on cheap wine. 😆


  2. Yep, I laughed too… White pants are generally not a good idea anyway. Especially when you have intestinal distress!

    Yes, everybody knows you shouldn’t wear white pants after Labor Day for pity’s sake. 😉


  3. This one is, because at one point or another we all have been there.

    Hey Mark,
    I’m not sure I’ve been there – but yeah, I get your point. 😉


  4. michaelm and I think alike. At least wear khaki pants if not brown.

    Jim´s last blog post..Awards for Everybody!

    I agree, wet farters should definitely stick with the darker colors – of course that does nothing for the smell factor. LOL.
    Annie 😉


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