Happy National Mutt Day (My Favorite Dog Quotes)

I love dogs. I don’t think there has ever been an extended period in my life where I haven’t had the companionship of a dog. I realized recently that just about every story I’ve ever written features a dog. My latest trilogy has dogs as a central theme. LOL, I just can’t get enough dogs. And please don’t take me to the pound with you to pick out a puppy because I will want to take all the dogs home with me.

Following are some of my all time favorite sayings about dogs:

What’s your favorite saying about dogs? Who is your favorite dog? Mine is Lily:

Feel free to tell us all about your dog and favorite dog sayings, stories or anecdotes about dogs in the comments.

Happy Sunday. ❤

Share your love of dogs on Monday – it’s #NationalMuttDay


5 thoughts on “Happy National Mutt Day (My Favorite Dog Quotes)

      1. I think there is a quote about dogs and unconditional love but it escapes me right now. No matter, a dog lover is a dog lover and I love me a dog lover. ❤


  1. I love “Dogs are better than Human beings because they know but do not tell – Emily Dickinson”… the imagery is great! Similarly I too created a similar poster-quote regarding dogs and would appreciate it if you could check it out sometime 🙂



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