Change – Theme Friday

change theme friday

The only thing certain that you can absolutely rely on in life, is change.

No matter how secure, content and safe you may feel in your life, with your friends, family or job – it can change in an instant. A fraction of a moment. A shard of time.

Your friends can turn their backs, your spouse could find someone new and your company could go out business without warning.

Or…the country that you love could be attacked on a beautiful late summer morning. The building you work in could be transformed from a benevolent old friend into a blazing enemy determined to destroy all within and without. Your countrymen could be murdered for a sin no greater than being in the wrong place at the wrongest of times.

Never forget the way that day changed all of us – please.

copyright 2009

I humbly dedicate these words to all the victims of September 11th, their families and loved ones, and to we who mourn the loss of that day, still.

Christine is changing here, check it out.


10 thoughts on “Change – Theme Friday

  1. Nice piece, Annie; I will never forget.

    – JOS

    Hey JOS,
    Thanks for reading. I wonder sometimes if the circle gets smaller and smaller each year. There are some who seem to want to forget – I can’t. I won’t. I’m glad you won’t either.

    Annie 🙂


  2. Lovely, as always. I’m back for next week, A. So be sure to send me the theme email. Please don’t make me pick. Pretty please. 🙂

    Thanks, honey. No, you won’t be picking – it’s Chica’s turn and you’re on the c.c. – not to worry.
    🙂 Annie


  3. Well said Annie. How interesting that Senator Levin, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, picked today to announce that he would block any increases of our troops in Afghanistan. We are a nation of fools led by idiots.

    Hey Buddy,
    Yeah, well you know…timing is everything, right? You really think they’re idiots? Cuz I’m thinking they aren’t that smart. 😉


  4. I always seem to find myself lost for words reading the things people have written about 9/11. There are no words to describe how I felt watching the footage from that day. Thanks God people like you still have words for those of us who don’t.

    I don’t think you’re alone on that front, B. I find myself at a loss too. Always. But words are my thing so they usually come. Still, it seems precious little to give. You know?


  5. Thanks Annie,
    How can we ever forget, how on earth can we ever forget. No never forget and a big thanks for all the time and effort you have put in over the years to remind us Never to forget.
    Love Di

    Hey Di,
    I appreciate the thanks, but it’s not much in the greater scheme of things. I wish there was something more.
    Annie xo


  6. I actually did forget on the 11th that it was the 11th. But no one should take that to mean I’ve forgotten, or could ever forget, the horror of that day in 2001.

    Hey 30,
    Of course you wouldn’t forget. Momentarily forgetting what day it is and forgetting that day – such different things. Knowing you, I’d never believe you’d forget that day. 🙂


    1. My new gravatar shows up great here. Thank you, Dear. I will remove cookies per your instructions. Love you, Dear.

      Sorry about the gravatar thing on your own blog – can’t for the life of me figure out the problem. But then I’ve had one weird little persistent problem on this blog too – Maybe wordpress is doing a little fiddling or something? (shrug)


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