We Remember

Last year I stumbled upon this website and was truly touched by what I read. A blogger decided to put together a tribute for all the 911 victims and called it Project 2996. I signed up to do a tribute on this blog and pulled the name of a NYC fireman – Steve Mercado. You may have noticed his picture in my sidebar. I keep it there as a reminder to myself of what we lost that day and also, so that I will never forget that there are real heroes in the world.

This year I will be doing another tribute and I suppose as long as I have this blog I will continue to do tributes to these citizens whose lives were cut short simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I would encourage any of you to please visit the website and consider doing a tribute. It really doesn’t take that much time and it can mean so much to those who lost loved ones on that terrible day.

But I warn you, if you endeavor to be part of this project, it will change you. It will take hold of someplace deep inside of you and give you eyes you didn’t know you had. And you will feel things you didn’t know were there to feel. It will make you step outside of yourself and your world and take you on a journey to your heart of hearts.

I hope that you will consider doing a tribute and that if you do, it will forever change you.


8 thoughts on “We Remember

  1. My birthday is 9-11. I think I will go check this out.
    I think it’s great that you do this tribute.

    Hey CB,
    Happy upcoming birthday.

    Please do check it out. I found it to be an amazing experience – truly.


  2. Your tribute last year was very heartfelt. It is wonderful that you are helping keep the memory alive.

    Hey Fuzz,
    Thanks – hopefully, it will happen again this year.


  3. Hi WC,
    In the UK I remember the day very well. Many things changed following 9/11, some noble, some not so. Politicians from both sides of the pond are still to answer for Iraq, but Afghanistan was something that I feel had to be done.
    I spent 9 years in the Royal Air Force during the Cold War and 2 of my sons followed me in. One is out now, the other not.
    My tribute is that son, preparing for Afghanistan at this very moment.

    Hi Anthony,
    Well bless him and bless you. I’ll keep you in my prayers.


  4. WC, it was strange watching the events unfold that day from half way across the world, live on TV. It just didn’t seem real. It was so terrible. Your tribute is beautiful. As is your heart. xx

    Hi Simonne,
    I think it was just a startling day for most everyone in the world – that day. I didn’t think it was real when I first saw it – I thought it was a preview of a movie or something. It took days for it to really sink in.

    I hope that my tribute did the man justice and I hope the one this year will honor the woman whose name I drew. It seems the least I can do.



  5. I took your advice and went to the site. There doesn’t appear to be “signing up” like in the past, in fact the link is showing not available. but when i went further i saw she said to just pick a name. I did, and made a page about her.

    thanks for the link, it’s an amazing site!

    Hey Reggie,
    Wow, thanks for doing that. It is set up differently this year – much more low key – but still I think getting as many people to participate as we can is a worthy endeavor.



  6. I love the time and effort you all ( some of you ) put in to show your love and appreciation. Thanks WC.

    Truly amazing guys. Yes Steve could have been my friend too. 🙂

    Hi Di,
    Thanks for reading Steve’s tribute – I still a little teary eyed when I read it. The whole process changed me. In a good way.


  7. I feel the same way..that doing these tributes changes you.
    I have carried the memory of the tributes I did last year throughout this year, and now carry two more people in my heart.
    And then, as I surf and find the other tributes, you just get a sense of how much was lost.

    I don’t ever want to forget.

    Hi Kathi,
    Thanks for keeping the memories alive. I know that people might get a little weary of the tributes each year – it has been 6 years now. But for me, until this matter is really settled, I don’t feel that any of us can truly rest.


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