(Are Those) Cherry Tomatoes – or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

Not really sure what is in the soil in Roomie’s backyard but there must be some plutonium because I’ve never seen cherry tomatoes this big, have you? I kid you not, those are cherry tomatoes and yes they are not much smaller than a Trader Joe’s extra large egg. And, the dang thing is like that perpetual wine bottle in The Bishop’s Wife, never-ending and always full.

Right now, I’m waiting for the other tomatoes to come in – I have seven other varities growing – Early Girl, 4 types of heirloom tomatoes, Sweet Cherries 100, Romas and another mystery cherry tomato plant.

The mystery squash is thriving both front and back – though the zuchinis aren’t cooperating too much. I suspect they are a little jealous of the squashes and flower. Also looks like the black eyed susan flower heads I planted are propagating flowers too. I have one huge one that will open any day now. Still looking for the primroses to come up and does anyone know why my nastursiams won’t bloom? I’ve never had that problem before and I don’t know what’s up with that.

But, the really big news is that the Frog spa & pool has turned into a frog swamp and nursery. Yup, I’ve got hundreds of little teensy tiny tadpoles in that thing. At first I wasn’t sure what the heck was in there wriggling around but now I’m sure of it, thanks to hours of watching them, a fish net and a magnifying glass I can see I will be an auntie soon. I’m feeding them goldfish food, which they seem to love. I worry though because I have no idea if that many can be supported in such a small swamp and in the end, I suspect only a few will survive.

And, apparently…I was wrong about Freddy – who probably is really Fredwina.

She comes every day around sunset and hangs out by the swamp, perched on her favorite rock and watches the babies. I discovered that she and her husband or significant other, we’ll call him Ollie have been canoodling in the bamboo plant.

Apparently, when Ollie is done, he’s done and off to the bar.

Anyway, the garden and swamp has become its own universe and is thriving. Meanwhile, I’ll be donning my white lab coat and continuing my study of frog life on planet earth.

13 thoughts on “(Are Those) Cherry Tomatoes – or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

  1. With all the scare on tomatoes it’s nice to have some home grown tomatoes. As the old tune says,’There’s only two things that money can’t buy and that’s true love and home grown tomatoes.’

    Yeah, what is up with that tomato scare thing? If everything comes in I’ll be stinking rich with tomatoes. I’m thinking fresh veggie stand might be order. Wonder if the neighbors would mind. 😉


  2. Those are nice looking toms. All shiny and plump.

    They’re cute now, but won’t those froggy babies drive you crazy once they start chirping? Or do you have a large yard?

    i rather enjoy the sound of frogs, but they’re distant, you know?

    Well, I don’t really know, Chica. I’m guessing that maybe 10% of them will make it and if mama and papa are any indication, they will a bit on the dainty side. Mama is only about an inch long and papa slightly larger. And believe me, I’d rather hear frogs than crickets. I started t his whole thing so they would eat my cricket population – so I’m hoping it works out that way. Otherwise it might be frog legs for some time to come. 😉


  3. geez, A. Grow some tomatoes, why don’t you? Did you pee on the soil or something?
    Those babies are huge.

    Nice frogs, too. I love frogs. They’re all cute, and uh, froggy.

    Believe me, J, peeing on them would not have contributed to their size. Unless diet coke and nicotene is good for tomaturs. 😆 I love frogs too, they are so froggy.


  4. (I can’t believe that I just wrote that about frogs. I need a life.)

    I loved it. Besides, you have little miss and dude, so maybe they are showing you the world through their eyes a little?


  5. Have you ever seen the 1978 movie ” Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”? This was actually a real movie and it was so awful it was funny. They are actually making a remake of the movie due out in 2009. I think you should contact them and let them know about your giant mutant cherry tomatoes. They could be the real thing. BE CAREFUL. BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!

    LOL Joanie, maybe I should see if I can get through to central casting? I saw the Killer Tomatoes movie and you’re right, it’s so bad, it’s good. In fact, I often wondered if that movie inspired the Mr Bill routines on the original Saturday Nite Live. 😉


  6. Man, that’s some serious soil! I have some teenie tomatoes and peppers just starting to grow. We’re soooo farrrrr behind Cali.

    It really depends on what part of the yard I’m in. Some plants thrive and some don’t. My thing is that I just keep planting stuff. I figure if half the stuff I plant grows I am way ahead of the game. My method of gardening is a little unorthodox as you might have guessed. LOL.


  7. Oh my word don’t even get me started on crickets, Chica.

    And we don’t have the ugly brown ones like we did in Cali. We have hideously grody, huge black ones.

    i shiver just thinking about them!

    Oh Chica,
    We have some of those babies too. I live up near the Wash – don’t know if you know where that is but we’re in the foothills of the San Bernardinos, near the Angeles Crest Forest. Fabulous views and sunsets but man, the buggy, insecty creatures here are fucking scary. We have those black, shiny things that would be well cast in a budget horror film, too. Makes me ick out just to think of them.


  8. Hi WC,

    My guess about the size of your tomatoes is that they cross pollinated with one of the larger varieties. I had that happen once with bell peppers and Tabasco peppers. I bit into a nice fresh green bell pepper fresh off the vine and thought I was going to die! Every pepper on that plant came out hot as hell, but the plant next to it had perfectly normal fruit!?

    the Grit

    You know, Grit, I thought about that cross-polination angle too. Except this plant appeared on its own, out of nowhere and was going gangbusters before I even planted the other tomaturs. Maybe some exotic bee brought their own special pollen??? In any event, I’ve decided I’m going to harvest as many of the seeds as I can throughout the summer, store some for next year and probably send some to anybody out there who’d like some. Heckfire, maybe we’ve created our own hybrid and henceforth these tomaturs will be known as WC’s ripe’n’readies. LOL.


  9. I love Freddie, he is so cute. I have an ugly old toad living by my tomato plants.

    Oh Girl,
    She really is a cutie patootie – especially when you see her close up. I had a little toady dude hanging out in the tomatoes for a while – though I don’t know where he has gotten to. I’m totally freaking about all the tadpoles though, I think there will be some cannibalism – which is part of nature but eeeoooow. Anyway, once they all grow up, I’ll probably have lots of Freddie’s – maybe I’ll send you one?



  10. Now’s a real good time to go into the “locally grown tomatoes” business. 🙂

    LOL 30! So, I hear. Although we have a fellow in the neighborhood whom I like to call the Lawn Nazi. And I’m sure he’d rat me out to the FDA or something. The bastid. 😆


  11. Hi WC,

    Then the cross pollination could have happened last year, and you’re seeing the results in a seed from a dropped fruit that managed to sprout. Evolution in action. Way cool stuff!

    the Grit

    Hey Grit,
    I had a feeling you would say something like that and I suspect you’re right. For all I know the dang seed just blew into the yard by accident one gusty day. At any rate, I am harvesting the seeds and hope to have a whole slew of them for next year. You want I should send you some?



  12. Neat! I’ve always wanted to have a frog pool and tadpoles to observe. I think we used to have one years ago when I was a kid.

    Hi Leaf and welcome,
    It is kind of neat to have that whole ecosytem going on out in the yard. The smell though, leaves much to be desired. Although, they are seem happy, lapping up that algae – so what do I know? 😉

    I will be most interested to see if any of the tadpole actually graduate to being frogs. Apparently, it’s a long process. Hopefully, we’ll get a few graduates and I’ll get pics.



  13. Hi Annie,

    Not yet. I’m still trying to find a decent place for my garden. Of course, if Wal*Mart is really serious about buying local produce, I may just plow up an acre or three of hay field and go commercial. Tomatoes may not like our weather, but I can grow the heck out of summer squash, oregano, and basil. My back hurts just thinking about it.

    the Grit

    Hey Grit,
    You and your finding a place for the garden dilemma – poor man – just put the dang plants in some dirt and see if they grow. Of course I don’t have a big ol’ farm like you, so maybe pattern means more in your neighborhood. i’m having a heck of a time getting the zuchini to come in – just tiny little poor excuses of a fruit and the nastursiams won’t bloom either. Any tips? The mystery squash on the other hand is going freaking crazy. 🙄



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