Women + Blogosphere = Impact – Part II

So, yesterday, we talked about the survey and who the players are. Now we get to the interesting part – below the consensus as well as the quotable quotes I promised (in ital)

1. What do you believe is the difference between men and women bloggers – e.g. approach, subject matter, readers, etc.

59% said that women bloggers wrote more about personal issues, their feelings and about life as opposed to men who wrote less subtle, less personal subjects & topics
25% felt there was no significant difference
17% felt it varied from blogger to blogger despite their gender.

I suspect women write more from the heart, talking more about feelings and emotions than men. Women are more insightful and intuitive about other people.

I believe that men and women pay attention to different things. Though both men and women may blog about politics, I think sometimes the focus will be different because the concerns are different. I tend to believe that several women are a little more careful in speaking their minds- not always! And that’s not a bad thing.

I found that in general (there are always exceptions!) the sites written by men were blatantly crass. The sites written by females, however, seemed to be funny in a much more subtle manner.

Men talk about specific subjects. Women talk about LIFE.

I feel women bloggers are more attached to their readers and are faster to respond to their readers comments and posts. I also feel that female bloggers are more willing to talk about their family and love lives in greater detail than male bloggers.

Perhaps me noting a stereotype, I don’t know.. only based on LIMITED exposure. I find that there are TONS of blogs by guys about technicial things – how to do this, how to do that related to IT, programming, software, etc. It’s like this blogosphere is an extension of their garage as they tell their neighbours and everyone else, how to fix cars, (except instead, they talk about how to fix computer-related things.)

I tend towards a certain flavour of blog and so I find men and women that write within a certain genre and I honestly don’t see that much difference between the two. For example, I read a few
poetry blogs and I honestly can’t tell the difference between the female writers and the male writers in terms subject matter, readers,etc.

Men seem to write what they think will attract the most readers. Women are more inclined to write what they think

There are exceptions of course, but I haven’t seen many male bloggers that include a lot of personal details about their lives.

2. Do you feel men bloggers have a greater impact in the blog world than women – such as more readers, more loyalty, wider range of topics/interests, greater appeal to male and female readers alike, etc.

34% felt women had a greater impact
34% felt men had a greater impact
17% felt it depended on the individual blogger
15% felt men were taken more seriously

Your opinion is, or should be, more important than your gender. If you also have the readership, wide appeal, and reputation, the impact should naturally follow.

Men, but I think that readers take them more seriously because it’s ingrained in us to take what men say more seriously.

I see many more male bloggers get book deals, get famous, etc. Look at Perez Hilton. He’s even been on a reality tv show.

Both have a great impact on their readership. I do think women are more diverse where men tend to stick to one topic.

I am personally more impacted by topics that I can relate to and being a woman, I find that I relate to a lot of discussions, thoughts and ideas that take place in the female blogging arena.

Quite the opposite actually. Again, men seem more inclined to write on topics that attract people as opposed to what they want to write. I’ve known more men guilty of writing for others rather than for themselves than women. Yes, some women do it, but overall it’s mostly men

My view of the blogosphere is completely skewed because I read mostly women’s blogs. So in my eyes, women rule the blogosphere.

3. When you decided to start blogging – did you have a particular effect/impact you wanted to create? If so, what was it? Did it change once you started blogging?

47% started blogging for reasons to do with personal growth/outlets
39% started blogging for exposure to their writing, feedback and/or to start writing regularly
9% started blogging in order to have a positive impact on others
9% started blogging in order to just have an outlet and blow off steam
23% said that their original focus changed
77% said that their original focus is still the current focus of their blogs

I’ve always kept journals but didn’t want to go public with anything that personal, so I drifted more into commentary. If I’m harboring any illusions now, it might be that there are fewer people out there blogging from my perspective, age-wise, so maybe that works to my advantage.

I wanted to get feedback on my fiction. I wanted people to read it and be haunted, demand I write my book right away, quote me.

I also think i write just what is expected of me. I don’t know how I feel about that.

I would create a safe place for others to be real. To be real and perfect and fragile and failing and wonderful…all at the same time. I try to ‘teach’ by example.

I started to blog because I was a frustrated writer. My goal is still to give people a good chuckle, but solely now based on the ups and downs on male/female interactions.

I just wanted a creative outlet to help myself feel validated (as in, see, I DID do something today).

All I was trying to do was to start writing again in some fashion.

I wanted to record things that happened in my life that were important, funny or that I wanted to remember.

I write to share what works for me, I write to tell of my journey, I write in the hopes that someone may find value in what they read, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m good with that too, because my heart is in simply writing for me and it feels wonderful!

I started blogging as therapy thinking no one would read my blog but my sister and maybe my daughter. I just didn’t expect so many people to read my blog.

I started as a way to connect with my friends and distract myself from my job. Over time, blogging evolved for me into something completely different. I am still grappling with what that is.

I’m a blogger blagger. My blog today is more like a personal journal I share with the world. It’s where I wake up and sit and ramble on to myself. Quite risky really. I write all the posts and write all the comments to. On one of my co-dependancy posts, I’ve wrote something like 80 comments. That post has actually saved my life.

All I wanted to have was somewhere to get the thoughts out of my head and come up with maybe a few good posts. That hasn’t changed

Began as a place to blow off creative energy and share my children with family members and friends. It’s still that blog, in a way. But in other ways, it’s so much more. It’s the record of our lives, albeit slightly colored through the lens of the blog. It’s definitely helped me hone my writing skills, and enabled me to feel a little more comfortable within my own writing skin.

4. Regardless of whatever effect you set out to create by blogging, do you feel that you’ve had an impact by being a female blogger? If so, how and/or in what way? Who/what did you impact?

77% believe they have in fact had an impact of some sort by blogging
23% don’t believe they have had any impact by blogging

If I were to have an impact, I would hope it would come from what I had to say rather than whether I was a woman.

I would love to discuss women in the world, how our bodies are used against us, how our focus and priorities are seen as light, fluff and when we try to be edgier, we’re not feminine or we’re trying too hard.

Fortunately, I do feel like I’ve had a positive impact by blogging. It seems that I’ve had equal impact on the guys and gals – the one thing they DO seem to have in ‘common’ is a desire to grow and mature into more loving ‘awake’ people.

Absolutely! Again, based on what I write, I bring the female perspective to the table. And in general, women are more outspoken in their empathy. While men may relate to someone’s story, they don’t necessarily say too much about it. When I am reading other people’s blogs, I comment when what they write about triggers an empathetic story in me. I rarely write one-liners when I comment. I want to share my knowledge and learn from theirs. I think men tend more towards networking, which is sharing information. Women lean more towards building communities, which is sharing wisdom.

Yes because I show that you can have a gabillion mis-haps (ever seen me with an appliance?) and I’m not any less of a woman/mom than anyone else. I think people need to see that.

At the very least I shed to light to issues that affect women, such as health issues and the struggles women have while looking for work. I see that not only do my faithful readers learn about these things, but people are searching for these health issues that mainly affect women. I’ve even impacted myself as I discover and read other female bloggers sharing about their own diseases.

If I’ve had an impact, I hope that the people who read my blog will look at the world just a little differently. Maybe not take themselves or life situations so seriously all the time, and be able to laugh at themselves a little. I also want people to appreciate the little things, and to look for what is really important to them in life. I want people to notice what is going on around them.

Have I made an impact on her life? Absolutely! Did being female having anything to do with it? I think the only way is that she relates to me. She’s also a mother, also busy, also all kinds of things we all are, and she’s been able to see how I can juggle all my balls, and still be incredibly happy and living life fully.

I don’t ever discuss politics or religion. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I don’t want to debate about what I write. I hope that my humor puts smiles on people’s faces.

In a weird way, I think I have had somewhat of an impact by being a female blogger. I know that when my baby twins died and I blogged about it and my grief, a lot of people emailed me and some of them
thanked me for being so honest about my emotions because it helped them in their loss.

I’m not convinced I’ve had any impact at all. I’ve perhaps generated a little traffic for those I think others will enjoy, but that’s certainly not what I set out to do.

I hope I make an impact. I hope that people read my blog and laugh. I also want people see that Stay at Home Moms are smart, articulate, and educated. And did I mention damn funny? I hope my blog reflects that. We are Stay At Home Moms by choice, not circumstance.

5. What contribution to the blog world do you feel women bring to the table that male bloggers do not? Or is there no gender gap between male and female bloggers?

70% believe there is no gender gap in the blogosphere and that it is the individual who brings whatever they bring to the blogging table.
30% believe there is a gender gap and it is tilted in the direction of men

Humanity. Compassion.

Oh, there is certainly a gender gap. This is why Hillary didn’t get the nomination people. Men love their power and I see discrimination every day towards women, and not just in the blog community. Look at the top 100 Blogs on WordPress and just see how many of the top bloggers are male. And look at the latest blog to get a book deal Stuff that White People Like – ran by a male blogger.

I think women are not afraid to show their emotions. Some men can write with feeling, but I find that blogs by men are more straightforward, while blogs by women can be more emotional.

Women bring a more personal note to the table. Men seem to hold back on the personal stuff where a woman will be more open and let her true feelings show. I have read a few blogs by men who do show their feelings but certainly not as many as woman bloggers do.

6. Are women bloggers held to a different standard than male bloggers? If so, what is the difference – e.g. what is taboo to a female blogger but okay for a male blogger or vice versa? Inequalities??? Not taken as seriously?

59% feel that men/women bloggers are on equal footing, no double standard
41% feel that there is a double standard and that men can ‘get away’ with more than women

Men, boys, all of them have free reign. Whatever is practiced in society is definitely going to translate into cyberspace- friendship, classism, a sense of community, sexism, racism, thirst for knowledge, a need for art and creative release, etc.

I’m looking to make a positive impact on somebody’s life, simply by retelling my own life experiences…I’m trusting that God will draw the ‘right’ people and the ‘right’ time, for connection.

I’m no expert, but I feel that people are more drawn to certain types of blogs because they are written by males. I don’t have the answer why this happens, but it happens. There are plenty of very very funny female bloggers out there, but I just see enough of the ladies profiled as often as the male bloggers are. Historically women were never taken seriously. I work at a job where all of the men hold all of the power making decisions .. and I always hear stupid comments like she is just on her period or just being a chic or you know how women are … It’s so offensive, but it happens all the time.

I wonder if men are a little more fearless when it comes to blogging. However, I believe blogging gives women a chance to say things, especially anonymously, that they would never dream of saying out loud in their day to day life.

7. If you could change anything in the way female bloggers are regarded in the blog world, what would it be?

34% want to make changes that are personal themselves and their needs
18% feel huge strides have already been made and should continue
17% wanted to eliminate bias against women
17% want to eliminate any standards not the blogger’s own
17% want an equal playing field

My only ‘change’ would be how the female bloggers regard THEMSELVES!!

I am going to step out on a limb here, but I personally do not like the term Mommy Blogger. The women who are slotted into the Mommy Blogger category have so much more to say and contribute than that. It’s about supporting and sharing and teaching and learning.

I think they are making HUGE strides. The way it’s going now, in the next year, I think we’ll be light years ahead of what men have done in the last 5 years combined.

I wonder if some people think that female bloggers mostly blog about their children, families, religion or weight loss. Really, there are so many fantastic female bloggers out there, and it is a shame if they are all put into the same category.

8. If you could have your wildest dreams come true as a blogger and create whatever impact you wanted, because you had thousands of undying loyal readers, what would it be?

70% have the goal of inspiring/impacting/influencing people’s lives for the better
23% want to entertain
8% want personal recognition for their writing

I’d love to have a book deal drop into my lap, like what happened to the guy at “Stuff White People Like.” (That way you skip the whole write-submit-pray-cry-repeat cycle). And people might say of me, “Wow, she’s deep” or quote me because I’d said something so well. I’d use a pen name, of course, because all that attention would embarrass the hell out me.

I’d want something positive, thought-provoking and/or beautiful. I’d want to inspire others to move, to act, to examine themselves and question everything.

“Please, God. Just for today, let my life positively impact the life of another. Thanks.”

To influence how men and women view each other. The genders are different in their thought processes and approaches to life. I think we tend to fight against that instead of embracing it.

To show women it’s ok not to be perfect and you can be happy being yourself.

I really just want to entertain and educate my readers … and I hope I do!

I want people to love, educate, discipline and appreciate their children. I want people to enjoy their lives, even while tackling the most mundane tasks. Make lemonade out of lemons, I suppose.

I would love to change one life. I would love to change two or more. If I could make people happier, more satisfied, take control of their lives and learn that simply being is a wonderful way to live, aren’t we all better for it? Imagine removing one more angry, grumpy person from cutting you off while driving… we can only start with ourselves, right? And then hope to expand that message to others. It starts with each of us.

Make people smile. It seems to me that people don’t laugh and smile as much as they used to. There’s so much in the world that is depressing and I don’t want to write about it. Enough people do that. I just want people to visit my blog and hopefully get a good chuckle.

I would like to spread kindness, generosity and inspiration for others to truly be who they are and aspire to follow their dreams. i am all hokey like that, its true.

To make people see that poverty and hunger in a world rich with food and money is ludicrous, thus prompting those with much to give some to those who have little. Sounds dicky I know, but it’s one thing that really makes me shake my head

I would convince all of my readers to convince the rest of the world that fat is the new skinny . .. And then I would tackle World Peace, m’kay??

9. Anything else that you feel separates female bloggers from male bloggers that you want to expound on?

40% feel that women, rather than men, use their blogs as a means of self expression
40% would like to see men be more expressive about their personal feelings on their blogs
20% feel we should all celebrate our differences

I would guess more women than men have the time, and take the time, to blog. Also, I suspect women, more than men, turn to writing as a means of expression

Women and men are different, and we will always think a little bit different from one another. Our differences should be celebrated and not looked down upon.

I’d like to see male bloggers write about their families more. I know about 7 or 8 male bloggers but really know nothing of their families. I know a lot of female bloggers and know a lot more about their families. They talk about their kids and grandkids and husbands but the men don’t.

So, there you have it – the results of my not too scientific study and some very quotable quotes which I hope brought some new insight. Thanks again to my wonderful participants, 30, Panther, Darla, Joanie, Gracie, Daisy, Christine, Girl, Mrs. V., Moe, Jade, Di, Ramblin & Darlene.

Tomorrow, if you’re still with me, I will post my answers to the questions, in part three.

21 thoughts on “Women + Blogosphere = Impact – Part II

  1. OH Wow!!!

    What an amazing survey with us all and some really insightful answers to some really insightful questions.

    How on earth did you do all that ‘maths’ sort of stuff with percentages and all that.

    Not at home and trying to care for my friend, Will REALLY read this on my return tonight.

    Thank you again for this wonderfuly well understood and respected post. I’m always in AWE of women.


    Whoo Hoo !!!

    Sorry Men,you very rarely get a mention.


    They way you figure out the percentages is you tally up the answers and then divide each group into the total number and that gives you the answer. For example 10 ‘yes’ answers out of a total of 20 answers = 50% – It was interesting to see it that way, I’ll admit I didn’t expect some things to fall the way they did. But life is full of surprises, eh?

    Good thoughts for your friend, hope they are soon on the mend.



  2. WOW. I’m impressed.

    What’s really interesting are the similarities that run through many of the questions from many of the respondents as well as the differences!

    Someone else said this, but I fully agree – we should embrace our similarities and celebrate our differences!

    And next time anyone asks me, I’ll take more time/thought in writing a response so that I don’t look like the one who fired it off at some ungodly hour all the disconnected words that flew out from head to fingers! 🙂

    Thank you SO much for putting that together Annie, and I’m really enjoying the other blogs!


    Hey Daisy,
    I really loved that answer too about really taking time to contribute to the post and voice whatever the comment inspires – it gave me pause as well. I’m glad you guys are hooking up and checking each other out – I was hoping that would happen as a result.



  3. Very interesting that for the most part we all agreed. I didn’t expect that, did you?

    Hey Sweetie,
    You know…yes and no. I think the points of agreement were interesting and that for the most part, the purpose for starting the blogs centered around caring and helping for the most part – that really floored me in the nicest way. I really loved that. I also really loved the thought that went into the answers and how candid everyone was. It was a great experience.



  4. Like most things men deal with the practical stuff us women we like to dig a little deeper.

    Hi Diana & welcome to my little dive,
    It does seem to divide that way, doesn’t it? Like one of my participants said, we should celebrate the differences. I agree. The differences will always be there – so why fight em, eh? Thanks for coming by and hope to see you again.



  5. Ok, how I overslept this exercise is beyond me, I was included yes?

    Now on reading all this, seems that the world is bright enough to come up with what’s important without me. Good, I needed to learn that lesson rather sooner than later 😉 .
    Thanks for a great job Annie. It’s comforting (and maybe a little discomforting) to see how similar people are.

    Sorry I flunked, must have fallen through the cracks. Count me in on your next brilliant idea.

    Yes, of course, my dear, you were on the list. You didn’t flunk, I knew not everyone would have the time to participate. Perhaps that was a good thing since at one point I had so many emails flying back and forth my eyes were rolling around in my head. 😆 You are still certainly welcome to answer any of the questions if you like. In fact, anyone is. I’d love to see more input – so feel free to put your answers here if you like. Couldn’t hurt. The idea was to get the dialogue going and let it roll in whatever direction it wanted. You know?

    My next brilliant idea, huh? Well darlin’ those are few and far between – but of course I’ll always include you. And if you have any ideas for a co-created post/project, don’t hesitate to mention it.



  6. I find that a lot of what you say about female bloggers holds true for me. Perhaps I am more sensitive than I thought. How about a hug? 😉

    Of course you are, darlin’ and I always have a hug for you. 🙂


  7. Everyone had such thoughtful answers. It’s funny because though our answers varied some, it think what everyone said is true and i agree with all that of it.

    This subject will never be a cut and dry issue. It’s all messy and gooey- but that’s good! Lots there for discussion.

    Thanks for doing this Annie. i think it brings women together. Because when it comes to feminism (or any ism really) or defining femininity, there seems to be factions present. i want that to end. i want us to encourage each other and support each other as women- not just because we’ve all uteruses or vadges, but because we respect each other as people and thinkers and writers. i’d love for our expectations of women bloggers to change and grow.

    This was inspiring, Annie. Great work. i can’t wait to read your answers!

    I know what you mean, Chica – they are different answers yet I find myself agreeing with all of them too. Only women could do that, eh?

    And too your point about the different factions and so forth, it is true and I’d like to see us bind instead of splinter off too. And yes, it is about being people and thinkers and writers – not the plumbing we all share. I’m really happy I did this and that others wanted to participate – I feel enlightened myself in many ways by having done so.

    LOL – my answers…well, I suppose some may find them interesting. 😉



  8. I should just cut and paste what c said.

    “This subject will never be a cut and dry issue. It’s all messy and gooey- but that’s good! Lots there for discussion.”

    She hit it right on the nose with that one sentence. But then c always has such a great way of expressing things.

    You did a great job Annie, putting all this together. I loved reading everyone’s opinions. They were alike in so many ways yet so different too.

    I can’t wait for part three.

    Hey Joanie,
    You’re right, c does have a way of hitting the nail right on the head. It is all messy and gooey and I guess we llike it that way. 😉

    Do you really like the way I put it together – I was unsure – I considered quoting everyone but then it would have been 30 pages long – or attributing names to the quotes but then I worried someone might get singled out for their opinion and thought if there were any hits, that I should take them – when you get people to participate in these things I think you need to protect their privacy, you know?

    Anyway, lol, not sure my answers will be any kind of revelation but they were fun to answer.



  9. Annie, this was so much work for you, and I so appreciate it. The percentages you included were an unexpected bonus. Great idea, summarizing like that.

    Fascinating reading!

    Hey 30, glad you liked it. Doing the percentages was interesting – it really does give you a view of which way the apple fell, doesn’t it? I loved the answers myself, all so great!


  10. Annie,

    I was just telling someone (in person) about your post and how you’ve brought together the thoughts and ideas from women across countries and continents in a way that almost brings tears to my eyes.

    This internet/world wide web/blogging thing really does feel like it brings the world and it’s inhabitants a little closer together.

    Also, c said:
    “i want us to encourage each other and support each other as women- not just because we’ve all uteruses or vadges, but because we respect each other as people and thinkers and writers.”
    I forgot to mention in my bio that I was born a man, and now I’m a women. Would that change your stats a little or would you have to discount all my answers? Ha ha ha. You know I’m joking.

    I’m looking forward to your post tomorrow. 🙂


    Aw Daisy, you’re so sweet to tell other people about it.

    You were a man, eh? Well, since you’re a woman now, nope I don’t think it skews the stats at all. 😆

    Thanks for all your help and support in doing the post – couldn’t have done without you guys.;)



  11. Interesting how, as women, we all leaned toward believing that women write more personally and men more technically. And that is how I responded to the questions. However, the Urbane Lion is actually willing to be quite sentimental on his blog; far more so than me! And I am starting to discover some great blogs written by males that divulge personal experiences. As well, I am discovering more technical blogs written by women. Seems the playing field is levelling out.

    Hey Panther,
    I know, since this was really a super casual survey, I’m not sure that there is anything definitive about it – but yes, we all did to seem to agree on that point. I don’t want to give away my views just yet as they post tomorrow – but I think no matter what, you will always find exceptions to the rule as well as the fact that as awareness raises, so habits change. Interesting stuff, eh?



  12. I think amongst the wonderful positive and uplifting information on how woman are making a huge impact in the blogosphere, are buried offensive generalizations about men. And it’s ironic that the impetus for the survey was a generalization about women in the blogosphere! Why as humans do we feel the need to boost our own self-confidence by emphasizing differences among other groups? Could these wonderful posts have created the same positive and uplifting sense of the contributions that woman are making, *without* taking another group to task for their perceived short-comings with sweeping generalizations?

    I was challenged by my friend to put my comment here, despite it’s not entirely positive tone. And while my gender is male, you can guess that I don’t think that matters, and would feel the same sense of injustice if I came across a survey where the roles and gender generalizations were reversed.

    Hello Gerry and welcome to my little dive…I think. First of all, let me assure you that were I bashing anyone, there would be nothing buried – quite the contrary it would be flapping in the wind. I may be many things, but sneaky I am not. Based on the comments you made I can only assume you didn’t read part one of this post which explained what brought it about. And yes, dang me, this was about how women felt about the blogosphere and any differences they feel exist – so of course it was going to be opinion – this is an opinion piece – I’m not passing it off as anything other than that.

    And honestly, I think you really have to stop and lighten up a bit. Offensive generalizations about men? Really? I mean, considering that in many parts of the world women are considered and treated as chattel, slaves, denied education, kept from having any position what so ever of any kind, killed for having been raped and tortured and wrapped into burkahs among other things – cmparing that to saying men get better stats or can get away with writing cruder stuff or even that they are less sensitive in their writing doesn’t really strike me as offensive.

    I have a feeling you won’t be back because I don’t cowtow to the politically correct crap where we all have to be treated like geniuses so no one’s feelings will get hurt. And if you didn’t like these answers, you’ll really hate mine, which post tomorrow by the way.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion – sorry but I do not agree with a word you said, so I guess we’re even.



  13. Hey WC,

    I like the space you have setup here, and particularly love your poetry! The comment was intended to be in the spirit of dialog.

    I don’t mind disagreement, but we seem to be misunderstanding each other. My point was simply that demonstrated intolerance of another group based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or any identifiable characteristic always hooks me, and I was really surprised to find it here in your space.

    So are you saying, you are not concerned about intolerance, or you didn’t find any expressed intolerance in the post? Or maybe it’s expressed, but justified? Any answer is fine by me, as I fully respect your right to create your space of course; I would just like to understand what the space is about! Tomorrow’s post sounds like it might provide an answer!


    P.S. Would also love to hear how men in the blogosphere respond to the survey questions.

    Well, hey Gerry, welcome back! Thanks for the kudos, much appreciated.

    Well, maybe we are misunderstanding each other here – I’m certainly open to that possibility. But I have to say, I really don’t think this is about intolerance, while I certainly don’t like to see someone getting grief because of their race, religious beliefs, gender, etc. intolerance as you call it – I just don’t see this post fitting into that category and I’ll tell you why. Because there are differences not just between men and women – but between groups, classes and so forth. This was a very informal little experiment to explore those differences. I have no intention of censoring someone’s answers because it might not be accepted well. None of these women were trying to bash men – but they did have opinions about men in the specific situations they asked about. That to me is not intolerance it’s a point of view. And also, as you have probably already figured out, this is an open forum – I’m not excluding men from commenting, agreeing, disagreeing, landing somewhere in the middle. If they have opinions, they’re certainly allowed to voice them here. Anyone who knows me, knows that. I didn’t delete anybody’s comments – I do that very rarely and only if the person becomes obscene or is just trying to flame me or somebody else. So, no, sorry, I don’t see it as intolerance, I see it as an open dialogue – can things change? Absolutely. But don’t we need to air our differences in order for that to come about? I think we do.

    I have no idea what you will say about my answers – but you’re welcome to state your opinion once you read them.

    I’m curious, what poetry are you referring to? I don’t post much of that here – I have secret site where I do that. Thanks, though.

    And thanks too for coming back and clarifying your position and continuing in the dialogue – you see, now maybe this post is actually bringing about the effect I was hoping it would. You never know, do you?



  14. Loved reading all the responses. You put it all together well, Annie. Can’t wait to read the third installment.

    I’m also having fun checking out the other bloggers who did the survey. Amazing women!

    Hey Mrs. V!
    Thanks honey – it was quite the little collage. 😉 Tomorrow is our final chapter and I have no idea how it will be received. Should be interesting. I’m so glad you are checking your fellow participants out, they are a great bunch and have some really wonderful blogs. See you tomorrow! 😉


  15. Hi Annie,

    The easiest first: your poems? I came here on the wings of Purple Socks, and tried to find sustenance in the ones under the “My Poems” category. But Purple Socks is my absolute favorite. I never “got” poetry as a kid, but your words and imagery definitely resonate with me. Thank you.

    I can see how my emotional response to some of the questions and responses hooked me into heavy handed language, which, can definitely obscure the message. And no, I wasn’t advocating censorship – but I also feel strongly about voicing dissent as to the result, and asking if the objective could have been met without taking away from others. Thanks for allowing that dialog in your forum.

    Agree 100% that understanding comes from dialog on our differences – I just don’t believe that generalizations add constructively to that discussion. But in context, I hear you saying, “well get over that buddy, so we can get to the real stuff”. I got it.

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s post!


    P.S. If you do go to male bloggers with the survey, here’s my vote:

    Hey Gerry,
    Well, you definitely earned points on your comments about Purple Socks – it was for/about a friend of mine who is very special to me and that it resonated with you, makes me feel a connection to you. If you want to see more of my poetry, use the contact form and i’ll send you a link.

    Well, i guess we’ve come to as much of an understanding as we’re going to get on the whole generalization issue. I don’t see it that way and you do and that’s fine. No point in splitting hairs, I guess. My point was really that there was no intent to do that – but to just get opinions on the issue at hand, which is what I got.

    In terms of a male survey – see the current post for my thoughts on that and get back to me.

    Thanks for the dialogue, I’ve been digging it.



  16. These are some well thought out answers and great responses in your comments area. Thanks for doing all that math stuffs for us! 🙂 It’s pretty cool to see how it came out. Some of it was surprising.

    Hey Teens! It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride and enlightening on many fronts. The math was the easy part. LOL. 😉


  17. Hi Annie,

    Remember when you did this survey and I told you the story of the man I flew out to see in Texas, well he died. Yes he passed away, unfortunatly I had to find this out by READING SOMEONES BLOG. I wish some one whould have had the decency to write to me and let me know. Ive just read it an hour ago.

    The blog was posted the 26 Jan and his last email to me was the 16 Jan where he sent me another ten poems of his love for me.

    I don’t know what day he died. I just thought Id come here and tell you as I told you the story of how I felt about blogging impact and inpact.

    I feel sad.
    Thats life.
    Again I’ll say
    Im happy to share my love.
    Bo told me
    He could die feeling love
    Because he met me.
    I feel sad

    Hope all is well with you dear Annieo
    Love & You
    Di x

    Hi Di!
    I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. People do leave us when we least expect it, don’t they? I know you must be feeling a bit sad but maybe think of it this way, maybe now he is able to fly with the angels and be happier than he was in this life? You never lose the ones you love, Di, they just move to different places in our hearts. Sending you a big (((hug))).



  18. Pingback: A little sidetrip

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