Power posing, body language what it tells us about ourselves

Over the weekend, I stumbled upon this TED talk by Social psychologist Amy Cuddy. She discusses how body language affects how others see us, which I thought was interesting.

But the truly relatable material for me was when she touched on how our body language affects how we see ourselves. In particular, when she relates her own personal story of feeling that she didn’t belong or deserve to be in an academic program I was touched to the point of tears.

I think we can all relate to that feeling of not belonging or deserving an opportunity and I’d urge anyone who has felt so, to watch the talk. You’ll be glad you did.


Meanwhile, I’m gearing up for NaNo!

Have a great week!


Do you see confidence as a skill?

You know, I never thought of confidence as a skill.  I always thought that confidence was the result of having achieved some milestone or other self-imposed standard.  And I’d guess that a lot of people had the same view that I had.  However, I stumbled upon this video over the weekend and I felt a real shift of perspective.

Watch world-famous business coach Dan Sullivan explain the concept of confidence as a skill and see if you don’t also experience a shift in perspective.

Speaking for myself, I am going to adopt Dan’s advice and move forward.  Should be a real adventure.