Shameless Self-Promotion


Those of you who know me or have been reading this blog for any length of time, know that I have dreams – some of them, pretty big. Chief among them is publication. Well, guess what? I just got published. Yup. Me. Writer Chick. And they said it couldn’t be done. Believe me, I have the rejection letters to prove it.

As many of you know, I’ve spent the better part of the last couple of years looking for an agent and a publisher and finally decided to shelf it. I hadn’t given up but I thought that if I put it aside for a while that a newer, better idea would come to me about how to approach this wiley animal known as publication. Quite unexpectedly I saw a posting on a writer’s forum I sometimes visit and out of curiosity, clicked the link.

Wow, who knew there was an online publisher with such a cool website and such obvious respect for writers? Not I.

I spent quite a bit of time at the site and decided I wanted to submit my novel, False Witness. I had nothing to lose and really everything to gain. Naturally, I had to do things to prepare it, write bios and reformat – all the fun stuff. Then of course there was also that little voice of mine that kept telling me to forget about it. I decided not to listen and clicked the submission button.

To my delight and surprise False Witness was accepted for publication and is now available. Cue horns, noisemakers, fireworks and Bethoven’s Fifth. I can not express the feeling that overtook me when I read that email, I’m not sure I’ve ever felt that exact emotion, whatever it was or is – maybe I’d call writer’s joy. I think I started laughing and then crying and then I just couldn’t stop giggling. I felt like a writer damn it! And it felt good.

So, okay, what are you waiting for, click the link and check it out. If it looks good get yourself one. If not – hey at least you looked at it, right? But if you do get one, just remember this, you will be directly responsible for providing writing supplies to one happy writer.
