If You Could Be Any…

literary or movie character, from any time period, who would you be? Being a lover of books and movies I find this question intriguing and appealing, so I’ll answer it.


If I could be any literary character I would be Dagney Taggert who is the hero in Atlas Shrugged. I know that some might think that John Galt is the hero but I’d disagree with them. Dagney is the epitome of guts, glory and rugged individualism. She is beautiful, smart, strong, innovative, self-sufficient and lives life on her own terms. But she is also all woman and when she finds the man of her heart she gives herself completely to him. Amazing. Amazing journey too. This 1,000 page plus book is a story of mamoth proportions but I loved being in that world for its entirety. How I wish I had two weeks to do nothing but read – I would go there again in a heartbeat.


If I could be any movie character, I would be Margo in All About Eve – played flawlessly by Bette Davis. She is brilliant, spoiled, talented, insecure, sexy as hell in a broken glass kind of way – and whips the hell out of the little schemer in the end. Ah…the pause that refreshes.

So, what about y’all? Who would you want to be and why, if you care to tell us.


14 thoughts on “If You Could Be Any…

  1. Both movie and literary character– I would be Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. (I’m already told too often how much I am like her, which I am not sure is a good thing?!) Anyway, I wouldn’t mind being her– I mean, who doesn’t want a Mr. Darcy in the end, right?

    good point about Mr. Darcy, Kenzie – who wouldn’t want one of them? 😉


  2. Hmm … this requires some thought. When I was younger, I would’ve wanted to be Gandalf (yeah, I know, I’m a woman and he’s an old man wizard, but whatever … I also wanted to be the Professor on Gilligan’s Island when I grew up). I’ll think about the question a bit today and get back to you on how I’d answer it currently. 🙂

    ~Ms CP

    I totally understand why you’d want to be Gandolf or even the Professor – you gravitate toward wisdom. Makes total sense to me.



  3. hey girlie!!

    if i could be a literary character i would be Rose Madder from the King novel. She is an unlikely heroine and i just loved her journey.
    if i could be any movie character i would have to be Chewbacca. he’s just a bad-ass. period.

    Oooh cool about Rose. And Chewie really is a bad-ass, gotta love him.


  4. Oh please don’t find this corny…but….I would simply prefer to live MY life all over again….same trials and tribulations, only THIS time, I’d have the benefit of hindesight! LOL Even with all the disappointments, heartbreaks and letdowns….its not been a bad ride! 🙂

    Hey, I don’t think it’s corny at all – I think it’s cool. Why not? Actually I never thought of it myself but hell yeah.


  5. Movie character – I’d be Scarlett O’Hara my all time favorite movie and she was a great character whiny,wimpy,beautiful,and yes strong too. Man who wouldn’t want to kiss Clark Gable or Errol Flynn or maybe Orson Wells in Jane Eyre. As for literary character I would be Jane Eyre or Lizzie Bennett awesome women! 🙂

    You know Buggsie, I knew Jane was going to find her way in there but I didn’t see Scarlet coming. Although, I can totally see it – you’re such a passionate person that your choices make total sense to me.


  6. For both novel and movie, I am a shoe in for The Vampire Lestat. And not the Tom Cruise Vamp. Stuart Townsend made Lestat come to life in Queen of the Damned far better.

    That totally works for me Evyl. In fact, now I’m thinking a masquerade party would be fun. 😉


  7. Odd, I just discovered Ayn Rand this fall, read Anthem, now The Fountainhead, and can’t wait to dig into Atlas Shrugged.

    But now, every time I turn around somebody is mentioning one of her novels.

    It’s weird I tell ya. Just weird.

    Or maybe it’s because I’m reading more blogs now and bloggers are just so damned more intelligent than the average person.


    Hey there professor Wondra! I think perhaps because you’re now reading her stuff, your ears are more attuned to hearing the name and conversation of same. I’d like to think that we bloggers are a more intelligent breed however, I’ve read too many blogs that would prove that argument as false. 😉



  8. When I was little, I would have wanted to be Sherlock Holmes, Harriet the Spy, or Nancy Drew. I had dreams of being a detective for awhile when I was younger. Some of the neighbor kids would get bored when they’d play with me, because I only ever wanted to play “detectives,” and everyone else wanted to play “house,” or “cops and robbers,” or something dull like that.

    I never cared about the “getting the bad guy” element of being a detective, it was the fact they were so intelligent. Detectives seemed to view that world at another level than everyone else did; they were smart, very observant and knew how to get the information they needed out of people, and all without ever showing their own hand of cards.

    I think those qualities are actually still what I’d want to have, so I think I’ll go with Sherlock Holmes. I’ve always wanted to be as smart and observant as him, and I’d get to carry a magnifying glass around and wear a funny hat. 🙂


    Wow, what a great answer. Yes, Sherlock was the hippest of the hip and intelligent detectives. I understand completely about why too. Although, I would add to that – that solving the puzzle of the thing always got me. Of course you had be intelligent and savvy but solving that puzzle always got my brain going into overtime. Did you ever watch the Charlie Chan movies? They were great too.


  9. If I were a literary character, I’d be Malachi Constant from The Sirens of Titan. He’s rich, and he gets to go to Mercury and Titan. Who wouldn’t want to be him?

    In terms of movies, I’d be Neo from The Matrix. Who else could kick that much Agent Smith ass?

    I can totally see the Neo angle with you. And yah, you’d kick some serious butt to be sure.


  10. Nope, I’ve never seen any of the Charlie Chan movies. Maybe I’ll have to do something about that if I can find any of them.

    I’ve decided if I wasn’t Sherlock (who is still my first choice) I’d be Bell from Beauty and the Beast. She’s caring, pretty, and she has a huge library! Only, I wouldn’t want to marry a dog-man. Maybe I could just have the books and the castle.

    So, I guess I’d either like to be a detective of a Disney princess. 😛


    Oh do see if you can get a hold of a Charlie Chan movie or two. Ask you mom, she probably saw them when she was a kid – they are lots of fun.

    I like the range of your choices, detective or Disney Princess – perfect. 😉


  11. I sat here thinking about this question and realized something, I had never realized about myself. I have never wanted to be anyone but myself……but……I would like to have qualities or powers, etc…of some literary/movie characters…make sense??


    Yeah, that’s what I was going for. But it’s good that you like being you – that is healthy. Now…how do you do that? 🙂

    PS: Card in the mail – sorry it’ll be late. L/Y Sis


  12. Yes, I’ve seen the Charlie Chan movies when I was a kid. Of course … I’ve seen everything. lol It cracked me up to read that Kelsey would want to be Sherlock Holmes or a Disney Princess. That’s my girl! 😀

    ~Ms CP (aka Mom of Moe) 😉

    Isn’t it cool that Mom of Moe, spells mom? I can see Kelsey as Sherlock, don’t know why but I can. 😉


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