9 thoughts on “Holy Smokes – It’s All About Content

  1. Seems odd to me that I spent more than half my life without the net.
    And look what’s happened . . . 😎

    I know, it makes you wonder…if I were a kid today, what would the nuns rap my knuckles with? A keyboard?


  2. I think she’s laughing at penguin jokes on nunchat.org or some other such site, which should exist if they don’t already. That, or she’s surfing Monster.com, just checking what’s out there…

    I like Nun Chat. Now what do you suppose they chat about? Their favorite psalms or chapter and verses? It’s something to think about.


  3. Probably doing research on penguins…And don’t mention the ruler went to those schools when I was a kid, though I never had m knuckles whacked ^A^ 😉 I think she is realy checking to see where the Angels are in the Amercan League.

    could be – or she could be researching rulers. ooh, ouch! 😉


  4. She probably found a discount on crucifixes and bibles. Yippee!

    Who knows…maybe she was looking for a deal on a nun-mobile. 😉 Could happen.


  5. I read this one after the telemarketers!! Already LMAO, you’ve somehow managed to cause me to spit my soda out. HILARIOUS!! kim

    Maybe my blog should come with a warning – never drink liquids near this site – yep, I think so. Hope you didn’t do any permanent damage to your screen. 😉


  6. PS. She was probably reading “Writer Chick Talks”. 🙂

    Maybe – maybe that happy terrorist day card I put up? It looks like a vid game to me though and by the looks of it, she’s winning. 😉


  7. The caption could read Hard Tongued Nun Surfs Net. It could get some hits. Ya never know.

    Yes, I’ll bet it would get me some hits, but oh how disappointed they would be once they got here. 😆


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