Losing Maggie


Last night I lost my dog Maggie. She was three months shy of her 13th birthday and though a little creaky and long in the tooth, she had more energy than any 10 people in the room.

I got her when she was five weeks old and we’ve been through many adventures over the years. Some good. Some bad. But she was always there, right by side, raring to go wherever I went. And many times, it seemed she was the only friend I had in the world. And believe me, that was enough. No matter how bad things got, I always knew there was one ‘person’ in the world who truly loved me no matter what shape I was in.


She loved…

thumper-4002 thumper-5005 june2007015 more-thumper006Cats


Chasing squirrels and lizards

Barking at possums

Going for a ride

Chasing the ball

Going for a walk




Sleeping on my bed

Bunching up my rugs

And if you scratched her chest, she’d stand on her haunches for hours – just to make it easier for you.


Anybody who ever met her, loved her. You just couldn’t help yourself but fall for the funny little dog who seemed to have a permanent smile on her face.

She didn’t love…

Dog food (people food was so much better)

Mail carriers

Anybody who scared her cats

Eye drops, medicine or vaccinations

Going to the vet’s

Being dressed in elf, Santa, or baby outfits (although she loved her jingle collar every year)

elfdogcloseup more-xmas-dog xmasmaggie


Last night, she went out into the backyard and charged an unwanted guest. I heard her barking, but I thought it was the possum she was barking at. The one who likes to climb along our wall. It made her happy to bark at the possum, so I didn’t call her in.

Then the barking stopped.

Then my room mate screamed my name.

The unwanted guest in the yard was a coyote.

We rushed her to the emergency vet. She was struggling to breathe but she was awake and alert and moving. I thought she’d be okay.

But the vet was taking too long to talk to me and I knew. The injuries were too severe. Her windpipe had been punctured. She had too many injuries. My white shirt was soaked with her blood.

We said goodbye and then she was gone.

My life was better because she was in it. My life will never be the same now that she’s gone. I will miss her more than I can say.


26 thoughts on “Losing Maggie

      1. I know who u r – I met you through Maureen and ~m. I’m Annebella or once known as JavaQueen14 and changed blog addresses all the time, 😂 lol. I’m Annie too 😁😁😂


      2. Oh my gosh, JavaQueen! How are you? How fun we’re both Annie. I like it.

        I just went to your blog but couldn’t figure out how to subscribe to it. Where are you hiding the subscribe button?


        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hi Annie, I’m not sure where I’m hiding the button, LOL! If you are a wordpress blogger it’s easy to “follow” but I’m not sure otherwise. It may just be the layout I picked. We’ll deff have to keep in touch, how have you been honey?


      4. Well maybe I’m just getting too long in the tooth to see the follow button – it’s certainly possible.

        Except for the dog being attacked I’m doing pretty well. I’ve been writing a lot, published a few books, working on a new series. Life is actually pretty good. How’s about you? Yes, stay in touch. Want to exchange emails?


  1. Hi Annie: I’m so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like Maggie was a great friend. Jesus said, ‘”Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). It seems to me that was exactly what Maggie did in challenging that coyote.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi JOS,
      I think you’re exactly right about Maggie and the coyote. For as much of a squirt that she was, she was fearless and fiercely protective. I wish you could’ve met her – she was really something. 🙂

      ❤ Annie


    1. Hi Donna,
      I just read your poem for Boss – made me cry but in a good way.

      Yes, always a part of our hearts. I don’t think I could forget Maggie if I tried.

      Thank you for your kind words.



    1. Hey Girl,
      It really was a tragedy. But at least my Maggie went down in a blaze of glory. I think she would’ve liked that. Of course I’m biased but I think she was the best dog in the world. I’ll miss her for the rest of my life. And now the search begins for a new puppy…

      Annie ❤


  2. I’m teary-eyed just reading this. I’m so very sorry for your loss. my “child” (a rescue cat 8.5-years-old) is my entire world. he has literally kept me alive on multiple occasions. and exactly as you said, sometimes our “fur babies” are the only friend we may have in the world at times.

    it’s obvious you two had a wonderful connection. and it’s cheesy, but focus on the good times. ❤

    I have told my guy that when my Zero passes, I will literally have to take off days of work for my grieving.

    and I have to stop typing right now. as I said, I'm teary-eyed. problem is, I'm at work. XD

    I wish you the best in your mourning, as well as your reliving the fond memories.


    1. Hi Belle,
      Thank you so much for your heartfelt words. I can see you too are madly in love with animals. Frankly I don’t see how anyone couldn’t love animals, they make our lives so much better. I pray that your precious Zero lives a long and happy life.

      I will always have wonderful memories of Maggie, because she was just the best. But I am getting a new puppy this week. Life is just wrong if I don’t have a dog in my life, you know? So there’ll be lots of new memories to make there.

      Thanks again for your very kind words, they mean a lot.

      ❤ Annie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will probably do the same when Zero passes. and I do agree with what you said in a later post — Maggie would want you to still have happiness and comfort, even if it’s from another adorable critter. we love our pets, yes; but there is so much evidence that shows they love and care for us too. ❤


  3. Oh Annie ~ I’m so very sorry 😥 It looks like Maggie was a spunky one…I love the picture where she sticks her tongue out at the cat 🙂 Best wishes and hugs are on their way to you 🤗 Cherish the memories and enjoy making new ones with the new ‘baby’ ~Tina 💕


    1. Thank you for your kind words, Kristabella. Maggie truly was a special dog and full of spunk to the end. I’m sure she would’ve loved you. She could always root out a dog person. Baby Lily is a blessing to be sure.

      Hugs to you too. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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