Thank you in no particular order


Today is a day when we all reflect on those things for which we’re thankful and count our blessings (stuffing ourselves senseless, notwithstanding). And reflecting on your blessings is never a bad thing. In fact, whole industries have been built around gratitude. And lots of people keep gratitude journals or meditate daily on the things for which they are grateful.

I was never able to do a gratitude journal – not because there weren’t things to be grateful for or that my life lacked blessings – there were. I think it was something about the wording I was using, “I am grateful for…” To me, it felt egocentric (or something). Anyway…the other day I started my day with a thank you list. It was simple, I just wrote thank you for (fill in the blank) and the list was a long one.

And I realized that saying thank you, instead of I am grateful changed things for me. Because I believe that there is a force greater than myself in the world – you can call it God, the spirit in the sky, the Universe, Mother Nature or whatever you like but it’s something outside myself. Something bigger, smarter, wiser, kinder and more loving than I am. Some source from which (I believe) all things good comes from.

So, today I say thank you in no particular order…

  • Thank you for coffee
  • Thank you for this beautiful, cold, crisp day
  • Thank you for Amazon and KDP and the new opportunities it has created for writers and readers
  • Thank you for writers like Hugh Howey, Anne R. Allen and Joe Konrath who have forged a path that other writers may follow
  • Thank you for my quick mind
  • Thank you for laughter
  • Thank you for puppies, kittens, babies and all things innocent and pure
  • Thank you for words, ideas, thoughts, characters that magically appear in my head
  • Thank you for books and eyes to read them
  • Thank you for computers, pens, paper, pencils, recorders, smart phones and tablets – all the tools through which we can communicate
  • Thank you for the creativity that I take for granted every single day
  • Thank you for the kindness of strangers
  • Thank you for colors, smells, tastes and sounds
  • Thank you for the pain that has driven me to learn where I went wrong
  • Thank you for the will to continue when conventional wisdom says otherwise
  • Thank you for everything I am and am not and the joy of discovering which is which
  • Thank you for the new day and another chance to do better


Enjoy your day and thank you for reading, you are a blessing.


I would like to say thank you


acknowledgmentI know that it is traditional to include an acknowledgment page in your book – thanking all those who helped along the way. And if my brain hadn’t been Swiss cheese these last few weeks, I’d have had the presence of mind to add one. My bad. Please accept my apologies.

So, I would like to use this space to thank the many people who have helped me in my journey of writing a 3-book series.

Kelly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the endless reads and the total willingness to read it yet again. Your encouragement, enthusiasm, and support made this possible. I doubt I could have gotten through the insanity of writing three books without you. Thank you.

Jody. Your insight into story, plot, and character helped me write better books. Much better books. And made me want to write better stories as well. Your help with the research on Book 2 was also invaluable and more helpful than you’ll ever know. Thank you.

William. Your feedback has been valuable and has served to keep me enthused about the prospect of publishing these books. I hope you’re right and people will like them. Thank you.

Lyn. Not only did you help to ensure all the tees were crossed and the i’s dotted, your insight and feedback on the storyline and character arcs were perfect and much appreciated. Thank you.

Jess. I love, love, love the covers you did for my books and hope everybody thinks they are as awesome as I do. Your patience and persistence with me while I changed my mind a bazillion times makes you pretty close to a saint in my book. Thank you.

Bob, Pam, Pam F., Debi, Debba, Marli, Michelle, Mom, Rick, Becky, and Cora your encouragement has meant the world to me. Thank you.

DL Perching, your awesome promo and Twitter ‘support’ and friendship, though new has been awesome and I look forward to being at the forefront when your book comes out. Thank you.

Ri DelRio – your Twitter madness and encouragement is something that gets me out of bed and running to my computer every morning. And I’m not kidding about the picture. Thank you.

Readers. All you folks who come to my blog and read my posts, like them, comment on them, tweet and share them, I can’t thank you enough either. There is nothing that means more to a writer than to know someone wants to read what you write. Thank you.

Indie Writers. Many of you, I read your blogs. You inspire me. You make me believe that I can do it too. You make me want to reach further and higher. Your generosity of advice, tips, tricks, and just plain old cheerleading the indie song has helped me tremendously. I’m amazed by how open and supportive you guys all are and I thank you.

So…being the dunderhead that I am, I’m sure I’ve left someone out. And I’m sorry in advance if I’ve done that. But truly I am grateful to each and every one of you who have given a word of encouragement, advice, shared a laugh and read, listened to me whine, reassured me – all of it and any of it. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you, all.


Have yourself a merry little Christmas

No matter who you are or where you are, I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you have good food, good friends and good memories this Christmas day.

I wish the best for everyone in the coming new year. But most of all, I wish you laughter and lightness of heart. We all take life so seriously and I think maybe it’s not as serious as we think. Keep your eyes and your heart open, wonderful things happen everyday when you pay attention.

God bless our troops, their families and loved ones—and keep them safe as they work everyday to keep us safe.

I pray for everyone this day. I pray for understanding and peace. I pray for love and kindness. I pray new ways to bring us all together and death to the differences that tear us apart.

Merry Christmas, everybody and I thank you for reading.


Christmas for the Troops

While we are still just beginning to plan Christmas and work out our lists – there are thousands of troops halfway around the world standing the watch. And while I believe we all want them home for Christmas, that’s not happening yet.

If you would like to send some Christmas cheer to the troops check out the following organizations below:

Operation Enduring Christmas

Trees for Troops

Operation Care Packages

For as little as $10 you can give a little bit of Christmas to our troops – funny how so little can mean so much, isn’t it?

God bless our troops, their families and loved ones and Merry Christmas.


All Gave Some – Some Gave All

You know, it is easy to forget that the personal freedoms we take for granted are not entitlements – but privileges hard won. And won through the efforts and often lives of others. People we likely never knew but who nonetheless were willing to and often did give their lives to secure our freedoms.

While Americans like to celebrate Memorial Day with barbecues, holiday sales, fireworks and alcoholic beverages it wouldn’t hurt any of us to stop at least for a moment to silently thank those who gave us our freedoms. Prayers, good thoughts, wishes spoken aloud, meditation – whatever floats your boat. Please find a way to say thank you – not just to those who have secured our freedoms and continue to do so but to the families of those injured and fallen men and women.

Regardless of the side of the political spectrum to which we align, we have much to be thankful for and many to whom we owe our gratitude. To all veterans, past, present and future and to their families I say, Thank you.

As the saying goes, ‘Freedom ain’t free.’

To Our Veterans

veteran's day

To all our veterans I would just like to say thank you. Not Happy Veteran’s Day – but thank you. Thank you for answering the call to defend your country, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you to your family and friends for letting you honor your country and your countrymen with your service.  It is not enough, it will never be enough. But thank you.


Thank You for Being a Friend…


Okay kids, I am dog tired because I have moved, yet again, this weekend (there must be a comedy routine in this somewhere). The good news is that it looks like it will be a permanent address for a while (fingers crossed and praise Jesus) and my back will eventually go back into correct alignment.

So this is the part where I thank everyone who has been truly a blessing to me these past few whacky months. First of all, Zelda – for opening her home to me, her floor, her nine pets and her incredible ability to be there for her friends, no matter what. Despite our consistent disagreements about just about everything under the sun, I thank you for being a true blue friend for 20 years plus. You rawk, and since your short term memory sucks, just think how happy you’ll be every time you read this because each time it will be new.

To my old roomie and chum Leny, for hauling crap, finding chairs, endless lemons and a quiet place I can hide out in when I need it.

To my friend Kelly for her relentless spirit and the inspiration she has been to me in this last year. Your strength, humor and fortitude knocks me out. You are amazing – no matter what life does to your brain. Love you girl.

To my posse, Christine, Jess and Panther for being ever so patient and understanding of the delay of the resurrection of Theme Fridays, the countless emails, laughs, tears and comraderie. You gals are some very special ladies and I have nothing but admiration for you.

To Grit for his friendship, passing on his business acumen (from his usual unreliable sources) and boundless advice whenever I need it and sometimes when I don’t.

And to each and everyone of you for so many things – but especially for your understanding of my crazy fricking life – the good wishes, the comments and just bothering to click on the link and say hey. You mean more to me than you know.

And finally to Will, for bringing love back into my life – no matter how short lived. You never can have too much love in your life. It meant the world to me.


Quick Update – Prayers Work!


Hey Everybody, hope you’re having a good and safe holiday weekend.

I just wanted to give you a very quick update on my friend Kelly. She got successfully through her surgery, the swelling has gone down considerably on her brain and just last night I heard that she is responding to verbal commands. She is responding by moving fingers and squeezing hands.

Technically, she has not regained consciousness, but her responses infer that she is on the road to recovery and amazingly so. She is, indeed, living proof of the power of prayer. As you know, it’s been a rocky week for me and so much worse for her family – and I thank you all for your good thoughts and energies, prayers and well wishes. I know in my heart that they really did and do make a difference.

I would appreciate it if you could keep her in your prayers and thoughts – because she still has a long way to go to get back to normal life.

I’ve spoken to her husband and it is likely now that I will be going up to Seattle this weekend. I will bring my laptop and work and blog from there. I am strongly considering starting a blog for her – to act as an update on her condition as well as a place for her friends and family to stay in touch, swap stories and reassurances. If I do that, I will let you know – so that any who might be interested can check in on what’s happening.

Again, thanks so much for your prayers and God bless.