Boo Hoo, Hillary

Okay, so Hillary had a great photo op today and managed to get her eyes to well up enough to fool people into believing she might actually be crying. Right, and I just won a million bucks on Deal or No Deal. If she was feeling any emotion, I’m sure it was sourced more in the fact that her lead over Obama has evaporated. And apparently, Bill who has been a notorious brilliant campaigner isn’t doing her any favors either – word has it he is speaking to half empty meeting halls and some people even snuck out halfway through his speech. Maybe Hillary is just too brilliant, eh Bill?

Could it possibly be that Obama is right and it really is time for a change? Is it possible that people are finally through with the Clintons? I dare not let myself get too excited about that prospect, since the Clintons are notorious for comebacks and their opponents and detractors often end up ill, injured, disappeared and in some cases, dead. I surely hope Mr. Obama has a good security detail – you can never be too careful.

But whatever happens, I’m pretty sure Hillary is starting to feel a little desperate, since this guy is supporting her. One of the worst mayors ever. A guy who though he was able to take advantage of many affirmative action programs failed the bar the first four times he took it. Oh yeah, and then there was that extramarital affair with the Telemundo reporter. Funnily enough, the reporter was demoted and yet the Mayor received not even a formal rebuke from the state congress.

Will the tears and emotion work? I dunno, I seem to recall an emotional outburst regarding the vast right wing conspiracy some years back. And then there was all that betrayal and shit she felt when Bill cheated on her – so maybe just maybe this emotional tactic will work for her for a little while. But the thing about Hillary which is really her downfall is that she cannot maintain this sort of thing for any amount of time. All it will take is for her to beat Obama in some primary. Then she’ll be the bullet-proof, teflon-coated, come-back-kid. Her taste for blood will return and the shit will start to fly once again. Quote: Now the fun part starts. (Hillary Clinton) So, are we having fun yet, Hillary?
No, my friends, we can’t count her out yet. And I think Mr. Obama still has a tough road ahead of him because he is tangling with one resourceful, manipulative and relentless woman who likely won’t quit until they carry her away in an ambulance and even then it’s doubtful.

Boo hoo, Hillary. Nice try. Got anything a little more convincing?


20 thoughts on “Boo Hoo, Hillary

  1. Thank you, so very refreshing to type in my search the words ‘boo hoo hillary’ (after seeing today’s embarrassing display by Hillary Clinton) and find such a well expressed article.

    Thank you bky & welcome. (I hope you don’t mind, I moved this comment over to the post itself, rather than leave it on the About Me page.)

    I must tell you, those were the exact words that came into my head when I heard about the High Priestess of Phoniness’s display. Boo hoo, Hillary. Boo hoo.



  2. Damn, I missed the tears. Heading to the news channel.
    I did however see the NH debate. She had fangs.
    I don’t think she’ll be elected, but I believe that even if she isn’t, that we haven’t seen the last of her.
    Great post.

    I heard it got kind of testy. Some comment made by another candidate “I’ve seen more civil exchanges during hostage situations” or something like that. Ouch!

    No, we’ll never be completely free of the Clintons – if Hillary can’t pull it off, she’ll likely become a stage mother and push Chelsea into running. Ov Vey.



  3. It should be interesting.

    Politics is always interesting – though sometimes more than others, yes? 😉


  4. Watching all this from Britland, I AM having fun. It seems we’ve cancelled elections over here.

    Britain cancelled elections because Hillary boo-hooed? Say it ain’t so, Tony. 😯


  5. This has to be the best observation of “Hill The Pill” that I have ever read, and I live in New York mind you. Home of the carpetbagger.

    Hey Vi, welcome back!
    Honey, I feel your pain. How she managed to get the state of New York to vote for her not once but twice is beyond me. I’ve always thought of New Yorkers as very savvy people – but I’m sorry to say, they got this one wrong. Is anybody pissed that she didn’t keep her number one promise when she was re-elected as Senator? That she would complete her full term? I’d be curious to know what the take is on that around New York.

    Obama may beat the pants off her – though, this woman has always seemed to get her way, so I’m afraid I really doubt it will happen. If she doesn’t get the nod though, I have a feeling we’ll see a meltdown, the likes of which we have never seen. It may even may make the famous ‘checkers’ speech look like child’s play.

    Stay tuned, I’m sure she’ll pull another drama queen play soon.


  6. I’m having way too much fun imagining the private scenes after she loses… screaming, crying, cursing. Heads will roll. Subordinates will be diving for cover. It will be very, very ugly.

    Yes, and hopefully on national television in high def. 😉 Now that’s something I wouldn’t mind watching. Although, it has occurred to me she may be honing her dramatic skills in the hopes she gets to be an unscripted presenter at the Academy Awards. Don’t laugh, once algore won an Academy Award, I realized what standards they had were gonesville. 😉


  7. Yeah, The Clinton regime is over! This is something to celebrate! oh, I wish I was a fly in her lonely, cold, sterile, colorless, mansion!

    Hi NoComp & welcome!
    I think many of us would wish that – but then do they make snowsuits for flys? It’d be awfully cold in that thar mansion, doncha think? 😉


  8. Hi WC,

    It’ll be most interesting to see if Obama lives through the primary process, considering how many others that the Clintons didn’t like who have turned up dead. You might have noticed that the Secret Service has added additional security for Barak. I do so love a good conspiracy theory!

    the Grit

    Hi Grit,
    Yeah, I think I put a link in there that in fact, the man has upped his security detail. Yes, we love the conspiracy theories, don’t we? My sister, a stalwart Democrat, just sent me an email with some interesting background on Mr. Obama. He’s a Muslim (I knew this), he swore in on the Koran (knew this too), turned his back on the flag and refused to place the traditional hand over the heart during a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance (I’ve seen the picture) . So, nothing new, except that this email seemed to alarm my sister so much that I got the idea that if her party nominates him, she won’t vote for him. She may not pull the lever for a conservative, but if she sits it out – that could be good. Perhaps other Democrats feel the same way? This election sure does have the multi-layer thing going on, doesn’t it? 😉


  9. All I can is that I am glad as hell that I am not old enough to vote yet 😉

    Your time will come, my dear – and when it does I’m sure you will consider the candidates fairly and make your choice. Personally, I love the process – I think of it as a civic duty for my country and fellow countrymen. But I do think people should really examine the issues for themselves and make their decisions soundly.



  10. We’ve got a big communications problem here, Annie, I think 🙂
    Okay, I meant: you’re getting an election. Our latest ‘esteemed leader’, Brown, was not elected by the electorate, and was voted to leadership of his party unopposed.
    It wasn’t Hillary who cried over here – only 70% of the population.

    Hehe, I was just funning you, Tony.
    But oh my, your poor country. How the heck did he pull that off? I’d demand a recount or something.


  11. Sh**t, I missed the tears! Did see the great debate though. She got a little testy as dis McCain and Romney.

    I just don’t trust the woman. If she cries, it is for a manipulative reason..Somethings up or should I say..down?

    Just heard she won NH primary as I am commenting..waiting for the next chapter..:)

    Aw it was barely any moisture at all – but I’m sure the vid is on youtube by now if you wanna see it. 😉 Personally, I’ve seen it enough. I knew girls like her in high school – they didn’t get their way, then they turned on the puppy dog face and sniffled a lot – although, many of them were better at producing actual tears.

    Yep, now she is on top of her game – let’s see how long it takes before she starts taking potshots at everybody again.


  12. Sorry, meant to say did McCain not dis McCain, although I am sure he has been!

    LOL – yeah, I know what you meant. But you’re right, McCain has been dissed before.


  13. Hi Annie,
    In the UK we don’t elect a government. We elect our local Member of Parliament. The party with the most Members are asked to form a government. They therefore decide who will lead, and becomes Prime Minister.
    As Brown managed to nobble all opposition to him in his party, he automatically took the job, and there is no requirement for a party to call an election because of a change in the top job.
    If Brown wanted to, he could stay in the job, unelected, until five years have passed since the last election – providing he isn’t kicked out because of riots or internal party intrigue.

    Oh my gosh, Tony – what an odd system. I really didn’t know that’s how you guys did that. It just seems wrong that someone can just get the job without being elected and keep it for as long as they want or as long as the scandals are held at bay.

    Although there is that intrigue part that is good fiction fodder, yes?


  14. Looks like she pulled it in NH. Crazy.

    Oh honey, I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet. This whole election cycle is just going to be crazy from beginning to end. Stay tuned is all I can say. 😉


  15. Hi WC,

    This one does look like it’s going to be almost as good as the World Cup, and I plan on savoring every moment of it 🙂

    the Grit

    Hey Grit,
    Just imagine all the really great vids that are going to show up on YouTube soon. I’m with you, this is a nine course meal, I don’t intend to miss. 😉


  16. WC, please reassure your sister that Obama is a Christian and he was sworn in on a Bible. (The Muslim sworn in on a Koran was named Ellison.) The picture referred to was taken during the singing of the National Anthem; at the same event, Obama had his hand over his heart throughout the Pledge of Allegiance. (Video of both was widely distributed on national news media.) Sounds like your sis got a mailing from the Clinton campaign! I may be sitting on the sidelines with her if Clinton gets the Dem nomination.

    Hey 30!
    For (probably) obvious reasons, my sister and I dont discuss politics much. And much to my dismay, she said she’d pull the lever for Hillary – not her first choice, but an acceptable one. Now tht you mention it, I remember now that it was Ellison who refused to swear in on the bible, not Obama – but that picture – where he’s turned away and Hillary and Edwards have their hands to their hearts – what’s that all about? Do you know? Was it photo shopped?


  17. WC, I haven’t seen the picture you’re talking about. But a single frame can be cut out of a video and totally misrepresent things, like maybe he turned away just to cough, or turned away a split second before everyone else, etc. I know the camera inevitably catches me with my eyes closed or my mouth full of food. We’ve all been there (some of us more than others).

    Hey 30, here’s the link to the pic I was referring to

    Although I did find an article that explained it, so I provide it only for your convenience.



  18. A bit late in the day here but Anthony is right about the UK and in fact just about every European country runs that way. You elect the party, not the leader. The party decides who the leader will be although you normally know that beforehand.

    With the election process taking so long in the US one British commentator observed last week “Its unfortunate that it hasn’t occurred to our American cousins, to maybe have all these primary’s on the same day to take the sheep mentality of some voters away and then see who really leads the parties”

    Now that’s a good point.. I wonder if there is a reason why this process takes so many months and can’t be managed in one twenty four hour period. Surely then people would be forced to vote with their hearts and minds and not “see who everyone else votes for first”…

    Just an observation but I guess there is a reason for it.

    Hey Paul,
    I have to say that I would love that. But can you imagine the nervous breakdowns it would incite among the media and talking heads? There would be meltdowns across the country. Although, I’d kind of enjoy seeing that. Although, I guess it wouldn’t give the candidates a chance to campaign too? I dunno. It’s a thought though.


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