Weird Chick 9

Welcome back to another Weird Wednesday – our good buddy Grit has decided to join us in our mad weirdness, which is good cuz I’ve got no idea where Weird Mick has gotten to. So be sure to check out Weird Grit and I’m sure he’ll have something quite strange for you.

We’re kicking off with our Weird Video for this week. Who knew monkeys could be drunks like the rest of us?

Moving on to Weird Products:


Who doesn’t need some butt bleach?

rockymoutainsoystersย  Perhaps you’re craving something tasty? How about some Rocky Mountain Oysters, aka deep fried bull testicles? Yummy!



And for those of us who don’t like coffee but need the caffiene, why not some super charged sunflower seeds? You’ll be chomping through the shells on these babies in moments flat.

Our Weird Art takes on the mantle of fashion and art:


Finally, an outfit that hangs itself up. I’m sure this is going to be a killer trend among fashionistas!


And is that art or a giant woman pointing you toward the local Micky Dee’s?

Well, so ends another Weird Wednesday – be sure to check out my partners in crime and oh, really seriously, if you find something weird, send it to me.

Weird Chick

3 thoughts on “Weird Chick 9

  1. Great finds this week with Da Grit. Wierd Micks just probably gone all wierd somewhere, Im sure he’ll be back. Even though I don’t drink I wanna go and get rat arsed with the monkeys, we could have some real fun. Hehe ! I saw a programme on a lady having her arse bleached and her reply to the question that was asked her which was WHY was : You just never know – how fucking wierd is that, sos for swearing.
    Love the fashion item, a bit restricting wouldn’t you say. Thanks for the wierdness and if I come across some wierd I’ll post it to you.
    Love Di.
    PS. Should we go to that Carabian Island and get pissed with the monkeys. Hehe !!

    Seeds for coffee, nah that wouldn’t work for me to wierd. xx

    Hey Di,
    I loved those drunk monkeys – too funny. What really struck me too is that no one seemed to even notice them, it was just part of the normal thing. Yeah, let’s go there and get drunk with the monkeys. Hehe.

    I know, I’ve never understood the concept of chewing your coffee either. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Hi Weird Chick,

    I’m going to have to get me one of those monkeys so I won’t have to drink alone.

    Weird Grit

    Hey Weird Grit,
    You do gooooood on your first round with WW. Bravo! As to the monkeys, I guess we’re both hard up for drinking buddies, eh? ๐Ÿ˜†
    Weird Annie

    .-= the Grit´s last blog ..Weird Grit 1 =-.


  3. Odd !!!

    I found it hard to get past the butt Bleach. I mean…. no, I won’t ask. lol.

    Lambs fry is sheeps testes. I guess if we are going to eat an animal, we shouldn’t let any bit go to waste???

    Hey Widdle!
    I’m not sure about the letting the parts go to waste part…but, hey whatever floats your boat, I guess. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As to butt bleach, honest to god, I can’t of any reason a person would need to bleach that. Still racking my brain. ๐Ÿ™‚

    .-= WiddleShamrock´s last blog ..River Speaks ~ De-railed (television is evil) =-.


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