Prediction, Predictions, Who's Got 'Em?

A new year is just about here and given the year that we just had, I can’t even imagine what might happen next…well, actually maybe I can imagine. As I did last year and the year before that, I offer the following predictions as but a tiny slice of the fun and games I believe is coming in a future near you.

1. Hillary Clinton will bitch-slap lil Kim of N. Korea for grabbing the last lamb chop at her first televised state dinner.

2. OJ Simpson now hopelessly incarcerated for a bogus crime to pay for the crime he actually committed but was acquitted of, will start his own religion which will emphasize starting the day with fruit juice.

3. A Congressional Oversight Committee will be formed to investigate the suspicious use and possible abuse of powdered sugar in the pastry industry.

4. Hyper-miling will become mandatory in the state of California, which will really make it easier to talk on the cell phones.

5. Bigfoot will be discovered and captured and after extensive DNA testing it will be found to be the illegitimate offspring of Teddy Kennedy and Janet Reno.

6. Jesse Jackson will ‘come out’ via a tell-all memoir in which he will admit to having a long standing love affair with the Reverand Al Sharpton.

7. Silver back Gorrillas, previously believed to be a vanishing species will launch a surprise takeover of urban America by using a network of ape cells secretly formed in zoos across the country.

8. President-elect Obama will be proven to not be a natural citizen of the United States and deemed ineligible to be President. An ‘emergency’ election will be held and once again, Hillary will get yet another chance at the brass ring.

9. Honda will open its first factory in China and consequently have the largest recall in auto manufacturing history, which will bankrupt them. Congress will bail them out to ensure China’s economy is saved.

10. Virtual cheating will become bonafide grounds for divorce and affect child custody cases as well.

11. Several members of Congress will be disagnosed with a new mental affliction known as BOBS (bail out blues syndrome) which inexplicably causes them to break out into rousing show tunes on the House and Senate floors.

12. Hundreds of hats will wash up on the Jersey shore, confounding local law enforcement, neccesitating calling in the FBI to pursue and apprehend (who the press have deemed) the Mad Hatter. (Clue: look for rabbits)

13. Joe the Plumber will land his own reality television show called “My Two Cents.” The contestants will be a bunch of sissy ass whiners worried about the erosion of their personal freedoms and about which people don’t really give a shit. The whiner most popular with the media wins and of course gets a check for two cents as prize money.

14. Global warming will strike once again and the East Coast will experience the most temperate winter in weather recorded history. Conversely, California will close all freeways during a state of emergency called because of snow storms. Bob sleds will become the new ‘green’ commuter busses.

As always, feel free to add to the list. Happy New Year!

7 thoughts on “Prediction, Predictions, Who's Got 'Em?

  1. Just for an overseas twist to it all, the NSW government will re-instate the Jetcats from Manly to Circular Quay so that thousands of commuters don’t have to travel by bus, they will also revoke on their promise to rebate tolls on 2 major roads in Sydney so that they can spend the money on badly needed infrastructure.

    And will #3 apply to Krispy Kreme overseas?? If so I will go and buy in bulk and freeze 🙂

    Hey Gem!
    Definitely get those Krispy Kremes bought and frozen – you may need them. 😉


  2. My dear Annie,
    I am finishing off this rather meager second half of my 2008 blogging year with a round through my most favourite blogs to thank my most favourite blogging people for all their contributions and to wish them a truly Happy New Year.

    You’ve accomplished so many things year, I hope you are as proud as I am. And for 2009? Sounds like a wicked year to me.

    All the best and C U soon.


    My dear Spaz,
    How lovely of you and how you of you. Wishing you a wonderful new year and all the best of everything my dear.



  3. Hi Annie,

    Cool! And inspiring, meaning that I’ll have to make my own predictions 😉

    the Grit

    Hey Grit,
    I’ll have to get over there and see what you’ve come up with. 😉


  4. Great Predictions!! I’m watching out for those silverbacks now that I know they are coming for sure. Have a wonderful New Year Annie!!!


    Hey Joanie,
    Oh yeah them apes are gonna love Maine lobster. 😉 Happy New Year to you my dear – a very happy new year.

    Hugs & Jugs,


  5. The Joe the Plumber prediction is hilarious! You might have hit on a million-dollar idea there. 😉

    Hey Dube, at this point I’d take $50 for the idea. Any takers? 😆


  6. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


    Hi Joyce and welcome to my little dive. I’m glad you enjoyed reading and hope to see you again.


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